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To ensure that these qualities are enhanced and promoted throughout Touch, it is important that all members of the ETA embrace the idea of recognising the welfare of themselves and others as a priority. Alongside promoting an atmosphere surrounding our sport that reflects an enjoyable environment, all participants deserve to feel safe and have a responsible adult they can contact if they have any concerns (within or outside Touch).
210210_safeguarding-children-and-adults-at-risk-policy-sp-v70.pdf (
Bullying is not easy to define, can take many forms and is usually repeated over a period of time. The three main types of bulling are: physical (e.g. hitting, kicking), verbal (e.g. racist remarks, threats, name calling), emotional (e.g. isolating an individual from activities).
Every organisation should be prepared to take the problem seriously and act accordingly.
CLICK HERE to read more about anti-bullying
It is necessary to obtain parental consent for all players age under 18 to take part in any England Touch Association (ETA) activity.
If you wish for your son/daughter to participate, then please read the following information, complete the form, sign to provide Parental Consent and return to the Team Manager of your team. Copies of this form will be retained by the High Performance Team and the Head of Medical Services.
CLICK HERE to read more
As with any sport, clubs, players, friends/family, and England Touch as an organisation uses photography in all areas of its operations. However everyone involved should be considerate when using images in print or on the web, such as social media.
ETA use of photo and film imagery as coaching aid.docx - Google Docs
Playing Touch involves travelling between different locations, and with clubs often fielding teams with a variety of ages it is necessary to have suitable transport policies in place which are clearly available for players, parents and club management alike.
ETA transporting children to sports events.docx - Google Docs
It is essential that every club has a robust policy in place to handle the reporting of incidents or allegations in a systematic, comprehensive, confidential and trackable manner.
CLICK HERE to download the England Touch incident and allegation reporting form
In the performance of your duties you should respect the confidentiality of any information which you may receive or obtain whilst you are deployed by the England Touch Association which relates to the England Touch Association, its members or its business.
You should not disclose any information of a confidential nature relating to the England Touch Association, its members or its business, or in respect of any obligation of confidence which the England Touch Association owes to any third party, during or after your deployment except in the proper course of your term or as required by law.
CLICK HERE to read more
The ETA supports the use of social media (websites, Facebook, Twitter etc.) to celebrate and promoteĀ Touch across all our players and divisions and to facilitate communication between clubs, players parents/carers, supporters and friends.
However clubs and England Touch should take note of a social media policy to ensure that everyone involved is both aware and happy regarding such usage, and where they are not, that their concerns can be expressed in a relevant manner.
CLICK HERE to read more about parental consent
ETA whatsapp use.docx - Google Docs
CLICK HERE to read more about junior players
CLICK HERE to read more about junior coaches and team managers