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Equipment and Kit

Any sport needs some equipment, so here is what you need to get started for a game of Touch!
Playing Surface The playing surface is normally grass. Other surfaces approved by the Federation of International Touch may be used. Ground surfaces which may cause injury are not to be used. A full-sized field is 50m wide by 70m long
The Ball The game is played with an oval, inflated ball of a shape, colour and size approved by the Federation of International Touch. The ball shall be inflated to the recommended air pressure and is to be the officially sanctioned ball endorsed by the Federation from time to time. Unless otherwise advised in specific tournament conditions the approved ball size is 36cm long and 55cm in circumference
Footwear Safe footwear must be worn. Exceptions may be allowed for game variants such as Beach Touch. Shoes with screw-in studs or cleats are not to be worn by any player. Light leather or synthetic boots with soft moulded soles are permitted, provided individual studs are no longer than thirteen millimetres (13 mm) in length, the measurement being taken from the sole of the boot
Jewellery and Fingernails Players are not to participate in any match while wearing any item of jewellery, chain, identification band or similar item that may prove dangerous. Long or sharp fingernails are not allowed. Jewellery or other items that cannot be removed, or dangerous fingernails, are to be taped.
Other Items Players may wear spectacles or sunglasses provided they are safe and securely attached, or meet guidelines specified by the respective Member or Affiliate Member. Medical supports such as knee or ankle braces may also be worn provided they are not harmful. Dangerous items are not to be worn
Corner Markers Suitably sized Markers or cones of a distinguishing colour and made from safe and pliable material should be positioned at the intersections of the Sideline and Halfway Line, and the Sideline and the Scoreline